The Ultimate Back-to-School Checklist: Preparing Your Kids for a Stellar Start

Summer’s ending, and that means the school bells are going to start ringing any day now. It’s a weird time for everyone, but don’t worry… we’ve got you. Here’s an ultimate checklist of what you can do to grab a quick win here and there as your family prepares for this chaotic time of year: 


1. Make Mental Health a Priority

Before getting into the school supply shopping list and planning your family’s schedule, take a moment to gauge where your kids are emotionally and mentally about the upcoming school year. It’s a stressful time of year with new routines to settle into, social woes, and academic pressures mounting.

Stay calm and positive about the school year and have an open conversation with your kids about how they feel going back to school. Let them know that even though it may be a hard school year, you’re right there with them. Be sure to check in with them - it only takes five minutes - and be present when doing so.

2. Crush Your Daily Routine

A structured daily routine sets the stage for a successful school year. Make sure to set morning and night routines for every kid.. Consistency helps them feel secure and manage their time effectively and creates healthy habits that get everyone through each day with less frustrations. Make a checklist for their routines!

Be careful not to overschedule or overplan their routine - having 1-2 hours of downtime is important for brain development… and so is having some daily 1:1 time with their parents!

3. Upgrade their space for homework success

We don’t just mean having the right school supplies -it’s all about fostering an environment in and out of school that encourages, supports, and rewards learning and growth. 

Ask your kid how you can upgrade their space to feel focused and comfortable. A plant, a bigger desk, a fresh layer of paint etc.

4. Find Joy

It’s a busy busy busy time of year, but don’t forget to find joy and create little moments of fun and celebration, too! It’s time to bring back (or make) fun family traditions as part of your school year routine, like getting pizza on Fridays or family game nights.

And don’t forget to give your kids lots of hugs! Yes, even the teens, even if they might cringe. 

5. The Power of Self-Care

Taking care of yourself means you can be your best self when you show up for your kids. Don’t forget that you have an identity outside of being a parent, too, and don’t be afraid to prioritize that part of you now and then. Set boundaries around the time you need for yourself, and don’t forget to keep in touch with folks outside of your immediate family.

As the school year kicks off, keeping these five things in mind will set your family up for an easier, smoother transition.. Here’s to a fantastic start and a schoolyear full of growth and achievements!

6. Reward hard work 

Remember, success at school isn’t all about getting good grades. Putting in the work and effort is even more rewarding and important! You know the old saying "It's not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” 

Start getting in the habit of praising hard work – for example; instead of saying “Great job” “You’re so smart” “Congratulations on winning!”, start saying: “I saw how hard you worked at that! I’m very proud of you!” “You’ve put in a lot of effort.” “Great job not giving up when it felt hard.” 

Want more? Our Ultimate School Checklist has many more tips, strategies, and resources to guide your family along the way.


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