personalized virtual care for families.

Mental health designed for kids living in the modern world.

Why virtual care for kids works

Safety and comfort

Prep for therapy like a movie night! With a snack and a cozy blanket in the comfort of your home.


Skip the commute! No more wrestling your kids in the car, parking and traffic jams.


Attend sessions while traveling, reschedule on the fly or get co-parents to join from wherever.

Easy connection

Kid’s find it easier to connect virtually and can give their therapist a peek into their world.

The science behind our care

Studies show that virtual therapy is as effective as in-person therapy and going virtual has many other benefits! We’re able to hire the best therapists, regardless of location, so you have access to high quality care from the comfort of your home.


Parents say they had a positive experience with virtual therapy!


See a significant improvement in their kid’s symptoms using tele therapy (source)

12-week care plan

We support children, teens and families with personalized 12-week plans including child and family therapy and parent services to help you thrive.

87% of children show a significant reduction in symptoms after just 6 weeks with Manatee.

Specialized care team

Our entire team works exclusively with kids and families. Our therapists, care coordinators, and coaches are diverse, culturally sensitive and multilingual including Spanish!

97% of families find sessions with their Manatee provider helpful.

Family app

Seamless access to your care team, schedule, and treatment plan. Support your kids with 24/7 access to evidence-based tools and parenting lessons, achieve weekly family goals, and celebrate progress with family rewards.

4.7 ⭐️ rating on the App Store.

What families say about Manatee

It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Here’s how it works


Tell us about your family

Complete our questionnaire so we can get to know your family and your needs to match you with the best care.


Book your session

Book a session with one of your matched providers, or get on a free 20-minute call with a friendly care coordinator.


Start care

Discuss your family’s unique needs and create your 12-week care plan together with your provider during your intake.